To avoid unexpected outage, we can use sys.identity_columns to monitor if the values are approaching the max limit. The 6 data types supported are: tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, numeric, and decimal.
For example, we can create 3 tables with identity columns, assign a seed value, and insert some data
create table paul_test1 (a tinyint identity, b char(1)) create table paul_test2 (a int identity, b char(1)) create table paul_test3 (a numeric(6,0) identity, b char(1)) dbcc checkident('paul_test1', reseed, 200) dbcc checkident('paul_test2', reseed, 2000000000) dbcc checkident('paul_test3', reseed, 999999) insert paul_test1 (b) values ('x') insert paul_test2 (b) values ('x') insert paul_test3 (b) values ('x')
If we insert one more row on the third table
insert paul_test3 (b) values ('x')
We will get this error:
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 1, Line 62 Arithmetic overflow error converting IDENTITY to data type numeric. Arithmetic overflow occurred.
We can query sys.identity_columns to find the identity column last value of a table and calculate the percent used of the positive values. Then we can run the query on each database using sp_MSforeachdb, as shown on the script below (e.g. C:\TEMP\identity_values.sql)
create table #monitor_identity( instance_name varchar(255) ,database_name varchar(255) ,table_name varchar(255) ,schema_name varchar(255) ,column_name varchar(255) ,current_value numeric(38) ,max_value numeric(38) ,pct_used numeric(38,2) ) insert #monitor_identity exec sp_MSforeachdb ' select @@servername ,''?'' ,object_schema_name(object_id, db_id(''?'')) ,object_name(object_id, db_id(''?'')) , name , cast(last_value as numeric(38)) , max_value = case TYPE_NAME(system_type_id) when ''tinyint'' then 255 when ''smallint'' then 32767 when ''int'' then 2147483647 when ''bigint'' then 9223372036854775807 when ''numeric'' then cast(replicate(''9'',precision) as numeric(38)) when ''decimal'' then cast(replicate(''9'',precision) as numeric(38)) end , pct_used = cast(last_value as numeric(38)) / case TYPE_NAME(system_type_id) when ''tinyint'' then 255 when ''smallint'' then 32767 when ''int'' then 2147483647 when ''bigint'' then 9223372036854775807 when ''numeric'' then cast(replicate(''9'',precision) as numeric(38)) when ''decimal'' then cast(replicate(''9'',precision) as numeric(38)) end * 100 from ?.sys.identity_columns with (nolock) where last_value is not null ' select instance_name ,database_name ,schema_name ,table_name ,column_name ,current_value ,max_value ,pct_used from #monitor_identity where pct_used > 70 order by database_name ,schema_name ,table_name drop table #monitor_identity
To run the script in multiple instances, we can have a list of instances in a text file (e.g. C:\TEMP\instance_list.txt)
instance1 instance2
Then we can easily use a PowerShell script to pipe the instance list content to Invoke-Sqlcmd, and pipe to Out-GridView
Get-Content C:\TEMP\instance_list.txt | Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile C:\TEMP\identity_values.sql | Out-GridView