
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Version Ghost Records Causing Replication Latency

Setting snapshot isolation level on the subscriber database is a common practice to avoid user queries blocking transactional replication threads.

However, a side effect may be an increase of replication latency during long running user queries because the version ghost records from the MSreplication_subscription table cannot to be cleanup until those long running queries complete.


There is one MSreplication_subscriptions table on each subscriber database, it contains one row per subscription, and it is used to keep track of the last transaction delivered to the subscriber. Using extended events filtered by the session id of the distribution agent

CREATE EVENT SESSION [subscription_thread_trace] ON SERVER 
ADD EVENT sqlserver.prepare_sql(
    WHERE ([sqlserver].[session_id]=(59))),
ADD EVENT sqlserver.rpc_starting(
    WHERE ([sqlserver].[session_id]=(59))),
ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_batch_starting(
    WHERE ([sqlserver].[session_id]=(59))),
ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_statement_starting(
    WHERE ([sqlserver].[session_id]=(59)))

We can see that the table is updated after each transaction has been committed to the subscriber database

If there are thousands of transactions replicated, this table will be updated thousands of times too

Row Versioning 

If the subscriber database has snapshot isolation enabled, example


then each update on the MSreplication_subscription table will mark the old row on the page as ghost, add a pointer to the row version in the version store on tempdb, and add the new row to the page.

Ghost records cannot be cleanup if they point to a row version on the version store, and the row version cannot be cleanup if there is a query using the version store. More info can be found here and here.

So a long running query will cause MSreplication_subscription to grow full of version ghost records 


To simulate a log running query in a test environment, we can leave a transaction open on any table on the subscriber database

USE [subscriber_db]
DELETE TOP(1) [table]

Execute the statement obtained from the extended event session

exec sp_executesql N'update MSreplication_subscriptions 
set transaction_timestamp = cast(@P1 as binary(15)) + cast(substring(transaction_timestamp, 16, 1) as binary(1))
, "time" = @P2 
where UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@P3) 
and publisher_db = @P4 
and publication = @P5 
and subscription_type = 0 
and (substring(transaction_timestamp, 16, 1) = 0 or datalength(transaction_timestamp) < 16)'
,N'@P1 varbinary(14)
,@P2 datetime
,@P3 nvarchar(24)
,@P4 nvarchar(8)
,@P5 nvarchar(5)'
,'2017-06-13 15:03:47'

Find the data page id

DBCC IND ('susbcriber_db', 'MSreplication_subscriptions', 1);

Examine the page content

DBCC PAGE (subscriber_db, 1, 1767872, 3);

After the update, the old row on the page is marked as ghost in slot 0 that point to the version on the version store on tempdb. The new row is added in slot 1, so internally an update will behave as a delete and insert pair, as shown below, some output has been omitted.

Slot 0 Offset 0x18e Length 302

Record Size = 302                   
Memory Dump @0x000000F2084FA18E

0000000000000000:   7c003e00 00000000 2d880391 a7000000 80440d57  |.>.....-..Ԥ....D.W
0000000000000014:   fd7f0000 d820e17f c2027dae 62de7eb6 754898b0  ý...Ø á.Â.}®bÞ~¶uH.°
0000000000000028:   f2bb6c6c 0b260000 05000000 00000000 01000000  ò»ll.&..............
000000000000003C:   fd7f0e00 00150500 58006800 9800a800 20017400  ý.......X.h...¨. .t.
0000000000000050:   65007300 74003100 74007000 63006300 5f007300  e.s.t.1.t.p.c.c._.s.
0000000000000064:   73006400 42004f00 57004e00 56004400 49004d00  s.d.B.O.W.N.V.D.I.M.
0000000000000078:   4d003100 5c004200 4f004d00 53005300 4e005600  M.1.\.B.O.M.S.S.N.V.
000000000000008C:   44004900 4d004d00 30003100 00000000 00000000  D.I.M.M.0.1.........
00000000000000A0:   00000000 00000000 42004f00 57004e00 56004400  ........B.O.W.N.V.D.
00000000000000B4:   49004d00 4d003100 5c004200 4f004d00 53005300  I.M.M.1.\.B.O.M.S.S.
00000000000000C8:   4e005600 44004900 4d002d00 74007000 63006300  N.V.D.I.M.-.t.p.c.c.
00000000000000DC:   5f007300 73006400 2d007400 65007300 74003100  _.s.s.d.-.t.e.s.t.1.
00000000000000F0:   2d004200 4f005700 53005300 44005400 45005300  -.B.O.W.S.S.D.T.E.S.
0000000000000104:   54003000 33005c00 42004f00 4d005300 53005300  T.0.3.\.B.O.M.S.S.S.
0000000000000118:   53004400 2d003100 f01e0200 05000100 745a2f07  S.D.-.1.ð.......tZ/.
000000000000012C:   0000                                          ..     

Version Information = 
 Transaction Timestamp: 120543860
 Version Pointer: (file 5 page 138992 currentSlotId 1)

Slot 1 Offset 0x2bc Length 302

Record Size = 302                   
Memory Dump @0x000000F2084FA2BC

0000000000000000:   70003e00 00000000 01880391 a7000000 00100000  p.>........Ԥ.......
0000000000000014:   20000000 00000001 00e07dae 62de7eb6 754898b0   ........à}®bÞ~¶uH.°
0000000000000028:   f2bb6c6c 0b260000 f0bceb56 fd7f0000 d7fa7cfd  ò»ll.&..ð¼ëVý...×ú|ý
000000000000003C:   7f000e00 00150500 58006800 9800a800 20017400  ........X.h...¨. .t.
0000000000000050:   65007300 74003100 74007000 63006300 5f007300  e.s.t.1.t.p.c.c._.s.
0000000000000064:   73006400 42004f00 57004e00 56004400 49004d00  s.d.B.O.W.N.V.D.I.M.
0000000000000078:   4d003100 5c004200 4f004d00 53005300 4e005600  M.1.\.B.O.M.S.S.N.V.
000000000000008C:   44004900 4d004d00 30003100 01000000 00000000  D.I.M.M.0.1.........
00000000000000A0:   00000000 00000000 42004f00 57004e00 56004400  ........B.O.W.N.V.D.
00000000000000B4:   49004d00 4d003100 5c004200 4f004d00 53005300  I.M.M.1.\.B.O.M.S.S.
00000000000000C8:   4e005600 44004900 4d002d00 74007000 63006300  N.V.D.I.M.-.t.p.c.c.
00000000000000DC:   5f007300 73006400 2d007400 65007300 74003100  _.s.s.d.-.t.e.s.t.1.
00000000000000F0:   2d004200 4f005700 53005300 44005400 45005300  -.B.O.W.S.S.D.T.E.S.
0000000000000104:   54003000 33005c00 42004f00 4d005300 53005300  T.0.3.\.B.O.M.S.S.S.
0000000000000118:   53004400 2d003100 00000000 00000000 745a2f07  S.D.-.1.........tZ/.
000000000000012C:   0000                                          ..     

Version Information = 
 Transaction Timestamp: 120543860
 Version Pointer: Null

Eventually, after thousands of updates this table will have a high number of version ghost records, on the following example the table had 17,085 version ghost records and the table grew to 1,315 pages instead of 1 page

SELECT page_count, record_count, ghost_record_count, version_ghost_record_count 
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(db_id('tpcc_ssd'), object_id('MSreplication_subscriptions'), NULL, NULL , 'SAMPLED');

Replication Latency 

The problem of having MSreplication_subscriptions with a high number of ghost records is that the update to this table will take longer and longer, for example we may see that the logical reads are 1,363 pages

set statistics IO on
exec sp_executesql N'update MSreplication_subscriptions 
set transaction_timestamp = cast(@P1 as binary(15)) + cast(substring(transaction_timestamp, 16, 1) as binary(1))
, "time" = @P2 
where UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@P3) 
and publisher_db = @P4 
and publication = @P5 
and subscription_type = 0 
and (substring(transaction_timestamp, 16, 1) = 0 or datalength(transaction_timestamp) < 16)'
,N'@P1 varbinary(14)
,@P2 datetime
,@P3 nvarchar(24)
,@P4 nvarchar(8)
,@P5 nvarchar(5)'
,'2017-06-13 15:03:47'
set statistics IO off

Table 'MSreplication_subscriptions'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1362, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 0, logical reads 0, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

(1 row(s) affected)

Because the where clause of the update is not a SARG, the query plan will show a cluster index scan 


If we find that the MSreplication_susbcriptions has a high number of version ghost records

SELECT page_count, record_count, ghost_record_count, version_ghost_record_count 
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(db_id('tpcc_ssd'), object_id('MSreplication_subscriptions'), NULL, NULL , 'SAMPLED');

Then it means there is a long running query using the version store not allowing the ghost cleanup.
One way to force the ghost cleanup is to rebuild the index

ALTER INDEX uc1MSReplication_subscriptions on MSreplication_subscriptions REBUILD WITH(ONLINE=ON)

The updates will now scan one page and the replication latency should come down

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Replication Commands That May Cause Blocking

Besides the replication snapshot agent, there are other replication commands that require a Schema Modification (SCH-M) lock for a very short duration on the article(s) of the publication, and they may cause blocking in very busy publishers.

To find out which commands use SCH-M, you can use the lock acquired extended event filtered by the object id of the article (table) in the publication database and the lock mode = SCH-M while executing the replication commands:

CREATE EVENT SESSION [replication_sch_m_locks] ON SERVER 
ADD EVENT sqlserver.lock_acquired(
    WHERE ([mode]=(2) 
    AND ([object_id]=(2106086889) 
    OR [object_id]=(2138087003) 
    OR [object_id]=(22603469)) 
    AND [database_id]=(37)))
ADD TARGET package0.event_file(SET filename=N'c:\temp\replication_sch_m_locks'

Below are the commands that use SCH-M lock on articles (tables)
  • Sp_addarticle @article='article'
  • Sp_changearticle @article='article '
  • Sp_dropsubscription @article='article' 
  • Sp_dropsubscription @article=’All’ 
  • Initialize with a snapshot the articles being added 
For example, if you add add one article (object id) to an existing publication that has two articles (object id = 2106086889 and object id = 2138087003), sp_addarticle requires SCH-M lock on the table you are adding (object id = 22603469)

However, when you start the snapshot agent, it will require SCH-M locks on all the tables of the publication (object id = 2106086889, object id = 2138087003, and object id = 22603469), not just the one you just added (object id = 22603469)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Duplicate Key or Row Not Found Errors

For example, we will get this error in the distribution agent

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Sales_OrderLines'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'Sales.OrderLines'. The duplicate key value is (2). (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 2627)


The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated DELETE command for Table '[Sales].[OrderLines]' with Primary Key(s): [OrderLineID] = 2 (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 20568)

The most common reasons for these errors I have found are: duplicate article subscription or another process modifying the data in the subscriber table.

Duplicate article subscription

To find out if it is due to duplicate article subscription, we can run in the publisher database (e.g. WideWorldImporters) the following stored procedure providing the subscriber instance name and the article name from the error message above (e.g. OrderLines)

exec sp_helpsubscription @subscriber = 'InstanceName', @article = 'OrderLines'

We will see that we are subscribing to the same article OrderLines from 2 publications BigTables and SmallTables

Thus a single insert in the table OrderLines in the publisher will be replicated twice to the subscriber generating the duplicate key error. In similar manner, a single delete in the table OrderLines in the publisher will be replicated twice to the subscriber generating the row not found error

To fix it

Another Process Modifying the Data

To find out if it is due to another process modifying the data we can create a SQL Audit on the subscriber table (e.g. OrderLines). We can filter by the account that have access or use public to show all accounts, as shown below.
USE [master]

( FILEPATH = N'c:\temp\'
 ,MAXSIZE = 1024 MB
 ,MAX_FILES = 10
( QUEUE_DELAY = 1000
 ,AUDIT_GUID = '146fab87-58c8-4521-b4b5-9ffb175f739a'

USE [WideWorldImportersDSS]

CREATE DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION [DatabaseAuditSpecification-OrdeLines]
FOR SERVER AUDIT [Audit-OrderLines]
ADD (DELETE ON OBJECT::[Sales].[OrderLines] BY [public]),
ADD (INSERT ON OBJECT::[Sales].[OrderLines] BY [public]),
ADD (UPDATE ON OBJECT::[Sales].[OrderLines] BY [public])

The SQL Audit file will show who, when, and what modified records from the table. In the example below, the first line was a trigger, the second was a stored procedure, the third was an ad-hoc SQL, and the rest of the lines were done by the replication account

To fix it, we need to stop the other processes are modifying data and then resynch the data