
Friday, July 31, 2015

Speaking at 24 Hours of PASS: Growing our Community

Last month I was selected to speak at 24 Hours of PASS. It was my first time speaking at a PASS event and I am glad I did. It was well organized, the staff was friendly, and the GoToWebinar software worked pretty well.
About 263 people attended my session, 91 filled out the survey. I got mostly positive feedback, only one person was disappointed that the content was a bit beginner level which it was. I intended it to be 200 level session. I realized that list of sessions didn't show the levels. So next time I will add it to my slide deck. Also I would add more examples, time better the content, and practice more. Overall I enjoyed the experience and will look forward to speak again.

My session abstract

Trend Analysis of SQL Error Logs: Seeing Beyond the Error

You carefully search for errors in the logs daily and fix them as they come. Recently, you noticed some errors are reoccurring and wonder when they started and what you could do differently. However the logs have already recycled and the information is gone, so you are left with the inquiry and go on with the next task. In this session, you will learn how to automatically parse the errors from multiple SQL error logs using PowerShell, store the data in a central database, and create reports to visualize the information using SQL Server Reporting Services. Analyzing error trends will allow you to see solutions that will lead to greater process efficiency.

Session recordings, scripts and slides are posted here